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We're excited to get your family ready for your first launch!

First, please sign up to the website using the email address of the parent who will be managing your family's Launchpad23 affairs. 

Getting ready,
thank you for your patience!

Registered Liaison parent / legal guardian
Parent who signed up the family, to whom all correspondence will be addressed. 

Parent successfully registered.

Please choose a Team Name for your family. This can be a fun name, or your last name. 
Registered Liaison parent / legal guardian
Parent who signed up the family, to whom
all correspondence will be addressed. 

(Please make any necessary corrections and click confirm.)

Please check that names and email are filled in.

Registered Liaison parent / legal guardian

Please check that names and email are filled in.

Other parent / legal guardian

Parent successfully registered.

Other parent / legal guardian *
The details of another parent/legal guardian

Please check that names and email are filled in.

Edit Other parent / legal guardian *

Please check that names and email are filled in.

Children enrolled in Launchpad23

Click name to edit or + icon to add

First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Local Session Time

Cadet successfully registered.

Add a Cadet

Birth date

An error occurred. Try again later

Edit Cadet

An error occurred. Try again later

Birth date

Child ID

Is everyone registered?

We received your registration, and you will hear from us within 3 business days.


If you do not hear from us, or have any questions, please contact us!

The da Vinci and Franklin Launch Windows are linked to US Eastern Time and will shift an hour later (relative to UTC) after the first Sunday of November due to daylight savings time ending. 

If your country does not have daylight savings time, the impacted launch windows will become later for you, but the others will remain the same.

If your country does have daylight savings time, your switch may happen in a different week, so please contact us to confirm the impact for your family.

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